Self-Care Vein Problems

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Though self-care is prescribed to individuals following their professional treatment, it is also given to pregnant women – allowing for some comfort during the pregnancy. 

To get the most effective results, it’s imperative that you follow the instructions given to you by your health practitioner. Here’s what to consider:

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Using Compression Stockings

Compression stockings work to help reduce blood from pooling by creating even blood flow up the leg. They do so by providing consistent, light pressure, securing around your lower legs (just below the knees).

Compression stockings are available in a variety of pressures – based on your need and comfort level. You can usually use 20 mm pressure stockings without complication but verify with your vascular expert to see which pressure is best for your condition.

Where to Buy Compression Stockings

  • At Your Physician’s Office
  • Pharmacies
  • Online
  • Surgical or Medical Supply Stores
  • Sporting Goods Supply Stores

How to Use Compression Stockings

While compression stockings are safe and effective, to get the best relief, you must understand how to use them properly, which may include:

Wear Them Properly – For maximum relief, be sure to consult with your vein expert and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use. Never let your stockings go above the designated height, and to help blood flow properly, don’t allow them to bunch up.

Do Not Wear for Prolonged Periods – Length of wear can vary by day, so be sure to consult your physician to see how long you can safely wear them and adhere to their instruction.

Never Wear While Sleeping – Compression stockings should never be worn while asleep unless you are specifically instructed to do so by your physician.

Be Sure to Replace When Necessary – Most compression stockings can last for four to six months before needing replacements. Once they become loose, replace them right away.

Consider Regular Exercise

One cause of vein problems can be the lack of physical activity. However, with routine movement to the calves and thighs, you may be able to encourage blood to flow upward more naturally. While you do not have to engage in high-impact workouts, the more toned and athletic your legs are, the better chance you have for circulation. You can start increasing your activity levels by:

• Taking walks
• Getting up frequently throughout the day
• Starting slowly. Do not start walking for long distances right away; instead, work on gradually increasing the duration of your activity.

Please note, you should never run, jog, jump, or engage in any other high-impact activities without getting permission from your vascular expert, especially if you’re pregnant.

Elevating The Legs

You can elevate your legs to help the blood flow more naturally to the heart. While you are relaxing in the evening, try elevating your legs until they are just above the heart. Repeat this two to three times per day for a minimum of 15 minutes. While this is the best way to promote blood flow, not everyone can devote three sessions per day; so, try to elevate as much as you can while combining it with other blood circulating activities.

Consider a Lifestyle Change

Beyond your activity level, there are other lifestyle choices that play a role in vein problems. If you are suffering from severe symptoms, there may be some simple changes that you can make to help alleviate those ailments.

Weight Issues
If you are currently overweight, making a plan to lower your weight could reduce pain and swelling. You’ll want to speak to your physician about approved workouts and what you can do to adapt to a healthier lifestyle safely.

Too much sodium can cause water retention and lead to swollen, painful legs. At the same time, diets high in fat and cholesterol could play a role in your body’s vein issues. Speak with your vascular expert about any dietary changes you should make to help reduce your symptoms.

Frequent Travel
Frequent travel can equate to a lot of inactivities. Whether frequent travel is for pleasure or business, vein problems are more likely to occur. If you find yourself on long flights or car rides, try to plan frequent stops or get up periodically to increase blood flow.

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